Then, finally Ian do the honor and order for our dinner. Of course, he ordered his favorite meal.. Sinigang na Sugpo.. We are both dismayed when we noticed that it only includes 3 pcs of prawns. Huhu..
Sinigang na Sugpo Php 525.00
Next in line is the Sizzling Sisig. I really love sisig. In fact that is one of my favorite food. The sisig was too spicy that causes Ian not to try it again. I think that's my fault, I guess I put too much hot sauce. Haha.. Sorry Honey!
Then, Ian added Pork Liempo with sweet and sour sauce.
Pork Liempo Php 195.00
We both love green mango with onions and tomato, so when I noticed that they offer Ensalada ni Nanay as one of their best appetizer, we did not think twice. I order 1 just to try their specialty.Ensalada ni Nanay Php 95.00
For drinks, actually I don't order soda not unless I am craving for a ripe mango shake which is my favorite of course but I often ask for service water instead. Ian order green mango shake coz I know he was craving for that. Haha.. Green Mango Shake Php 145.00
Of course the dinner is not complete without rice. I get alarmed when I saw the price, that's too expensive. But since we are on a fine dining restaurant, we set our mind that our total bill will be about Php 1,500 ++.
Jasmine Rice Php 95.00/cup
After dinner, we do our usual rituals. Exchange gifts! I don't expect too much from Ian since he already gave me 1 bouquet of Red Roses, but I'm so surprise when he gave me 2 gifts.
with 1 dozen of red roses
1st, Polo shirt from Penshoppe. The style of this polo same as his polo shirt we bought from Oxygen. He bought that for me because he likes us to be in pair sometimes.
Polo shirt from Penshoppe
Next, I was surprise again when he gave me another paper bag. When I opened it, I saw cute stuff toy. Wow! I really love stuff toys, actually I have a collections of that. Of course, picture taking to the max.
Then it's my turn to give my surprise gift. actually, I already surprised him in the morning. I sent 3 long stem red roses in their office. This was also my 1st monthsary gift to him last August 24, 2006. Ian told me that he was surprised and at the same time shy while receiving my gift for him. He also told me that his officemates continue teasing him that I'm so sweet, that it's super unique in a sense that a girl would send a flowers to a guy as a surprise gift, etc. So his officemates take some pictures of him while looking and opening the box of roses.
Other than a box of red roses, I have another gift for him. My gift is something that he's been looking for when we are doing window shopping. I know that he really want to have it and will take good care of it. So I decided to give him, Nike back pack.
with Nike Back Pack
After exchanging gifts, of course our date will not be complete without picture taking!
We ended our pre-valentine's date with power hug and sweet kisses.
Happy Heart's Day everyone!
Fely J's Kitchen
Filipino and Asian Home Cooking
2nd Floor Greenbelt 5
Ayala Center, Makati
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